Optimize your analytical workflow.
Spend more time thinking and analyzing – less time organizing your data. Let Parsd do it for you. Our app helps you do research and feel smarter doing it.

Parsd is excited to announce its very first customer: the Swedish Defense University (SEDU)
Bring your own data
The Parsd platform help you analyze and organize unstructured data from documents, videos, sound recordings, and images. Bring the data into Parsd and you will get your data sorted and organized. Our web app augments text analysis using AI. With your data organized you will have more time to spend on analyzing.
“We provide an AI-powered digital research hub”
Bring your own
data in ONE place
Organize, Analyze
& Select
Combine into
& Present
Digital Research with Speed and Rigor

Imported PDF to the right – enriched to a Knowledge Object.
Auto-generated summary in multiple languages, link to the publishing source, recommended similar objects,
chat with each document, full document translation and text analysis tools.
This is how our customers use Parsd:
“Flip the curve and make it easy to create fact-based insights”

Defending the integrity of facts
“We strengthen democracy by improving fact integrity, empowering experts, and enhancing collaboration between analysts and storytellers, leveraging data while addressing bias through trustworthy and accessible information.”

We are proud to participate in the Sting Incubator programme

Parsd is a non-academic partner to WASP and the WARA Media & Language Research Arena
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